Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Don't Screw Around With Autism, Get Rid of the Mercury

There is an outrageous bunch of crap regarding autism that is still being fed to parents of autistic children. Doctors still tell parents that there is no known cause or cure for autism. This is the most blatant lie I've ever heard and the Medical profession is well aware that they are lying. For one thing, they have known about Fragile X Syndrome and Rett's Syndrome for a long time.

Doctors also know that the CDC advises them that one microgram of mercury is safe. In the 1990's, doctors may not have been aware how much mercury they were shooting into babies. Nobody figured out that mercury was the cause of the autism epidemic until 1999. That's when doctors began to learn that they had injected babies with nearly 200 times as much mercury as was known to be safe. The drug companies even began reducing the amount of mercury in the vaccines when they learned that lots of people had figured out that they had been negligent and poisoned a few generations of babies. Yet, doctors still insist that mercury can not cause autism.

Doctors advise pregnant women not to eat too much fish when they are pregnant because of the mercury. Then, they go and advise these same women to have a flu shot containing 25 micrograms of mercury. They are well aware that this mercury can damage the brain of the fetus but they inject pregnant women with it anyhow. Does this make any sense? Why do doctors do this? You won't get a straight answer out of any doctors if you ask them aside from a stoic admonition to take your flu shot and maybe a statement saying that the Institute of Medicine heard the evidence and decided that mercury in vaccines did not cause autism. The doctor will never explain why the CDC considers one microgram of mercury to be safe while they shoot 25 micrograms into a pregnant woman. Of course, they can't explain this.

I believe the reason that the flu shot is pushed on pregnant women is because they need to cause more autism. Causing more autism when everyone is being told that the mercury is out of the vaccines is a great way to make the uninformed public agree that mercury could not have caused the epidemic. They have to cause more autism because, if autism suddenly disappears, it will help prove the case and the vaccine manufacturers stand to lose over a trillion dollars. The manufacturers don't have a trillion dollars which is why they have paid politicians to change the laws to prevent most parents of autistic children from filing lawsuits.

Vaccine manufacturers learned that they had caused this epidemic over seven years ago. Yet, they continue to sell vaccines with the full dose of mercury all over Africa and Asia and other places that don't have all the facts. They can probably buy politicians in those places much cheaper than the ones they have to buy here. And, without freedom of speech, it will be much more difficult for the general public in those countries to ever learn the truth. So, the poisoning of children into autism goes merrily along because the drug companies earn a little more profit by using multi-dose vials of vaccines laced with mercury than they would if they had to sell single dose vials. They don't care that the cost of one autistic child is estimated at about $3 million because the taxpayers get stuck with that. Our politicians don't care about that cost to the taxpayers because they have been paid handsomely by the drug companies to protect them from lawsuits. And, in the overall scheme of things, autism creates lots of jobs which also helps make the politicians look good. It doesn't bother the politicians if taxes have to be raised. They can always blame it on the war or whatever else is convenient.

The major problem with all of these lies is that parents are not learning that they can cure autism. Their sources of information when they get the initial diagnosis usually consists of a pediatrician, some psychologists, therapists and teachers. The parents all learn about the Autism Society of America and hear that we need better awareness from these jerks while they ask for donations. These professional money raisers don't know what they are doing and are not looking out for the best interests of the children they claim to represent. Politicians care about their bribes (campaign contributions) and money raisers care about raising money, nothing else.

The autism organizations who know how to help the kids can't get on TV because the networks are controlled by drug company advertisements. Even the head of one of the networks, with an autistic grandchild, who is aware that biomedical intervention cures autism will not broadcast that information on his network. He can't because he'd be cutting his own throat. If he really cared about autistic kids, he'd shut his mouth entirely and stop spreading only part of the truth. Part of the truth won't help kids whose parents need to learn all of the truth.

Scientists who have helped to discover the truth about autism and mercury have been interviewed for TV programs but those interviews, mysteriously never get aired. Once in a while, an article appears in a local newspaper that discusses mercury, and chelation to cure the autism. When this happens, volunteers from Generation Rescue usually field a few more inquiries from parents wanting to learn more about chelation, methyl B-12, etc.. A few people wind up helping their kids. But, there are over 100,000 kids whose parents have not learned this information.

So, what becomes of these 100,000 who remain in the dark? They rely on what they are told by the therapists and teachers. The teachers firmly believe they can help. Most are dedicated to their jobs and do their best to help the kids learn. Unfortunately, kids with mercury stuck in their brains can not learn. Teachers can't do a damn thing about it no matter how dedicated they are. Parents trust the information they hear that everyone is doing everything possible to help their kids but that many are simply beyond all help. Years are completely wasted in school when the children could have been cured if only their parents had been told the truth about mercury. This is what happened to my son because he was born before all of this information was learned. It is still happening and that is a crime.

If anyone is reading this who knows someone whose child has not tried biomedical intervention, please ask them to read this. And, tell them to get in touch with Generation Rescue to learn how to save their child. There are lots of parents who want to get this information to the parents of every autistic child but the media is blacking it out. Our politicians and our doctors are involved in this horrible crime and parents have to stop it now.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
John Best said...

Keeping in mind that doctors caused the autism epidemic through their negligence, you need to expand your education by reading what people other than mainstream doctors have to say about this. You may learn that mercury that is ingested is far less dangerous than mercury that is injected. Digestion processes out most of the mercury so very little, if any , can reach the brain.
Studies that claim thimerosal does not cause autism are a sham. The study that proved the connection was conducted by a CDC employee named Verstraeten. That study was rewritten a few times until it looked like mercury was not the cause, a clear case of coverup. The rewrites came after the Simpsonwood meeting at which 51 scientists agreed that thimerosal was, indeed the cause but they decided to keep poisoning babies for profit anyhow. That was while making statements to the effect that they would not give these mercury containing vaccines to their own relatives.
You need to read the work of Richard Deth, PhD of Northeastern University which explains exactly how mercury causes autism. Then you will understand why removing that mercury can cure these children. Mercury does not simply kill brain cells. It prevents methylation so that these kids can not manufacture any methyl B-12. Without methyl B-12, it is impossible for them to pay attention to anything. That is what this mercury induced autism is, an inability to pay attention.
Being a nurse doesn't make you any sort of expert on this. All it does for you is make it more likely that you will trust the lies that continue to be told by the negligent idiots who injected way too much mercury into our babies. I used to trust doctors too. This time, they screwed up and they will not admit their grievous error.
Please visit Safe Minds and www, to learn the truth. Try to keep it in mind while you're injecting pregnant women woith mercury laced flu shots and sending that mercury directly to the brains of fetuses that do not yet have a Blood Brain Barrier.

Anonymous said...

Check out Kev's latest. Once again his ability to be a hypocrite reaches heights never before seen. Check out a quote that he made one week ago on his blog. He wrote:

As far as our relationship goes, as Joel states, I’ve given up reading his blog and/or trying to reason with him. John is not interested in reason or debate.

So supposedly he "gave up" reading this blog yet a week later he blogs about things written here. Sure Kev. You don't read this blog... We believe you.... NOT!

Anonymous said...

There is actually no evidence that thimersol (containing ethyl mercury) is harmful.

Please provide safety studies on thimerosal, please. Thank you.

There have been several studies that continue to show that Thimerosal does not cause autism or any other disorder for that matter.

Really? Please link to them.

The authors of the one study that keeps people believing this stuff have rescinded their claims and reminded readers that they were based on only a few case studies and not rigorous research.

What study are you referring to here?

If you have ever seen a child with H. Flu, you know this. I have seen children die from Flu, meningitis, while working in the children’s intensive care unit.

Anytime that a child dies it is a tragedy. I agree. This is completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

I am affiliated with many doctor, nurses and research colleagues. Many of them have worked with the CDC, are members of the American Academy of Pediatrics and sit on the boards of other medical associations.

Cool. It sounds like they have probably drank the Kool-Aid. Good luck to them. I feel bad for them that they don't yet realize that they injected poisons into babies with horrific results. Help them to pull their heads out of the sand, please.

They are well aware of people’s hysterical blogs, associations with no backing other than pure emotion and no actual evidence, etc.

Can you ask them to show you the safety studies (if you can't find them yourself). Also, please ask them if they could support us in the opening up of the VSD data (if it hasn't been destroyed). That would help.

Anonymous said...

Being a 2nd yr medical student myself, and thus associated with many doctors and other medical professionals. It amazes me how many doctors are very concerned about methylmercury in vaccines and elect to keep their mouths shut. Further the number of doctors who elect not to vaccinate their own children, or only vaccinate with mercury free vaccines also amazes me.
With healthy chilren dying of the flu being as rare as it is, I have to wonder what kind of ward you work on? Also wonder why you're on here when you work at one of the hospitals most noted for a pro-thimerosal stance.

Please cite a toxicological study that says ethylmercury is safe! In the meantime be quiet!

John Best said...

Re: Kev; Kev is just engaging in more name calling. Sounds about right for a guy who admits to using narcotics. Now we know why his brain doesn't work right and he won't help his daughter.

Anonymous said...

And Teisha is a nurse. What a suprise. The very people who make sure to convince parents everyday that vaccines are safe when parents come in to have their children examined. You're off base Teisha and someone like you would be the last person I would trust. I hope other parents see that you're full of it just like others who push vaccines.

Anonymous said...

And Teisha is a nurse.

I really feel bad for nurses. For example, people similar to Tiesha... perfectly wonderful people, I'm sure. Yet, clueless.

Anonymous said...

Clearly clueless and believes whatever the NIH,CDC or any doctor tells her.

Anonymous said...

You know what I find so funny is the absurd comments by people such as this nurse who make wild claims such as she wrote here:

The mercury that can be especially toxic is methyl mercury.

Without having a clue she believes that the type of mercury in fish is dangerous but the type of mercury injected into the body is perfectly harmless. How does this happen? How can people be duped so easily?

John Best said...

It might not be the nurse's fault. That's what she learned in school, and in her profession. Nobody would know this stuff unless they had an autistic kid and had to learn it. I think if she reads some of the links at GR, she may be educable.

Anonymous said...

For God's sake someone remove Fore Sam from the gene pool! Before he seriously injures his son!

Anonymous said...

Foresam already has seriously damaged his son, I'm sure. He says that his son has some serious developmental problems. It is very likely that bests actions are a cause of his sons developmental problems more than the autism. When you combine autism and John Bests stupidity and prejudice I don't think his poor son has a chance.

John Best said...

I considered rejecting the above comment but let it go as a good example of the ignorance and cowardice of Neurodiversity.

Anonymous said...

Hey John,
Just wanted to congragulate you on your continued blogging. I thought you would be shut down by now?

Keep up the good work in 2007.

Anonymous said...

I wish my father would learn something from Mr Best and help me.

John Best said...

Anon; Thanks. I haven't broken any laws, have I?

Anonymous said...

He says that his son has some serious developmental problems. It is very likely that bests actions are a cause of his sons developmental problems more than the autism.

Really? How kind of you. You are a nitwit. It is interesting though. I'm quite certain that your ND friends would find your analysis a bit disturbing. Of course all developmental problems are caused by their parents. Talk to Kev Leitch, Joseph, et all about that. They would be as much to blame for their children's developmental delays as John is for his child's.

Anonymous said...

John please print this post! You know me to be a resonable man but I am a little bit pissed off with the attitude of a couple of the people posting here....So

Fricking Disgusted who wrote:

For God's sake someone remove Fore Sam from the gene pool! Before he seriously injures his son!

28 December, 2006


Anonymous who wrote:

Anonymous said...
Foresam already has seriously damaged his son, I'm sure. He says that his son has some serious developmental problems. It is very likely that bests actions are a cause of his sons developmental problems more than the autism. When you combine autism and John Bests stupidity and prejudice I don't think his poor son has a chance.

29 December, 2006

Please contact me on ross.lumbus@mail,com

Now before you go charging in with anti-NT rhetoric or what have you understand I am high-functioning autistic. The fact that I am not only an active poster to this site but also a supporter of Foresam's intentions (and no I am not brain-washed or intellectually failing - as any of my posts will prove). Email me, listen to my point of view before you go posting any unwarranted crap on his site, It is for your benefit, not mine. You do not want to look stupid, heartless or unethical (unless it is a particular past-time). Ignorance isn't a crime, it can be remedied by learning. (which you will get from me within a few short emails) Stupidity can not be resolved and I hope with you two this doesn't become the case. Anyhow you have the diagnosis and the email address fire away your comments - at my email rather than Foresam's site, before you know what you are fighting against.


John Best said...

Ross, you should go back in the archives here to Jan or Feb and see how incredibly stupid the Neurodiverse made themselves look. They are slow learners. I hope you can help them.

John Best said...

McCoy; Chelation costs me less than $30 a month. Even a simpleton like you should be able to afford that.

Anonymous said...

Can't handle facts so you mod me out! Vaccines cost less and are once off. So who's paying through the gills to the greedy drug combines, sucker? They're bleeding you and you don't know it!

Anonymous said...

Our chelation cost our $10 copay a month. Insurance sees it fits to pay for it.

What happened to the annoying soapboxmom? Did she bail out on blogging?

Anonymous said...

Mom26children is too busy getting more free in a house. And did Soapbox Mom shut down her blog? That would be welcome!

John Best said...

Mom26 hasn't blogged since she won her free house. She probably won't associate with us peasants who have to pay mortgages.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully she'll follow Soapbox's lead and shut down her blog too. The two of them are unbearable.

John Best said...

I'm sure Kev will let Phil right in. Kev's such a screwball,he won't even notice that Phil is out of his mind.

Anonymous said...

Our chelation cost our $10 copay a month. Insurance sees it fits to pay for it.

Does it matter who pays? The drug combines are getting more money out of chelation than vaccines! $10 a month for how long? Think, sucker!

Anonymous said...

Mom26 probably signed a contract to not post, email, or blog about their new home. That and probably the 15 people who emailed ABC and her local newspaper showing them the true side of Jeanette Odonnell by exposing her lies and aweful outlook on other parents of disabled children from her blog and posts on several autism message boards.

John Best said...

McCoy; You should ask your mother to raise your allowance. $10 or $30 is not money that anyone worries about. It has gone to great use too as we watch our kids get better. The drug companies will reimburse us via lawsuits after we cure our kids.

Anonymous said...

Phil would fit right in with the other nitwits from the Autism Hub. Phil, I'm sure that you will be hearing from Kev soon.

On another note, I can't help but giggle when Kev moans about Wakefield. Good for him Wakefield that he made some money. He deserves it and is doing good with it. More power to him.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Jeanette will shut up and go away once she has her free house. I think Soapbox Mom said in one of her posts that Mom26 did sign a contract not to communicate with anyone until the show was aired. I wonder when that episode will be televised. What a farce that will be! John, you will have to dedicate several posts to that one once it's aired.

John Best said...

Has anyone found Phil's new blog?
Joining the Autism Hub of insanity would be good for him. He'd be with people who were wackier than him.

John Best said...

Jonsmum; Leitch is all revved up to talk about Wakefield making some money but he doesn't say a word about what Bush and Frist receive in bribes (campaign contributions). None of the neuroknuckleheads will touch that subject.

Anonymous said...

If YOU believed chelation helped/worked, would you keep your cash and "cut off your nose to spite your face", and the drug companies?

Strange. That's what you want to do with the vaccines. Christ, woman, look at what the drug combines are doing. They're taking advantage of your emotions and you're falling for it! Make up your mind!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather spend $30 a month on chelation than $125 a month on Ritalin or adderall.

Anonymous said...

I wish my father would listen to you people. I want to be normal.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Megan, your father is too busy telling everyone about someone he thinks is a bad man.
I don't think he will ever listen to anybody but himself.
I wish I could help you. You're such a lovely little girl.

Anonymous said...

Concerned; Thank you. I heard that kids like me who have treatment when they are young have a better chance to recover. I hope my father smartens up before it's too late for me.

Anonymous said...

And how long do you keep chelating? Years? Vaccines are one shot and no more. You dudes are being suckered! You'll spend more on chelation, and the drug combines will send you Christmas cards for life! For life!

Anonymous said...

Hi John - This is my first blog posting. I registered specifically to speak with you but am having difficulty posting. Wanted to share the following. Last Spring I "inherited" a pregnant cat. I make my own dog & cat food - raw/organic. I fed this cat some fish during her pregnancy. Just after she gave birth I learned of the dangers of consuming fish (mercury poisoning) during pregnancy. The kittens seemed normal so I didn't worry about it but I stopped all fish. As time went on I noticed one thing that seemed odd to me - the kittens seemed small & "failure to thrive syndrome" kept coming to mind for me. At 13 weeks I fed the kittens a very small amount of tuna fish (thinking this would be good for them) & they all nearly died. Very, very sick. I was surprised they survived. They had varying levels of motor problems plus seizures. I did treat them immediately using an alternative therapist which I have later learned the technique he uses actually has a history of working with autistic kids.

I did a hair analysis & my kittens, dog & husband have off the chart mercury poisoning. I had no mercury in my test results but I also did not eat fish. There's more bad news re my husband & one of my dogs & I was able to pinpoint their difficuties to fish/mercury posioning. I am deeply concerned about my husbands health - we've been to a neurologist for his symptoms. My dog has since died. My kittens are improving with treatment but are "crippled" - they have not had a seizure for a couple months but I am also careful re cues - one that triggered seizues was vacuum cleaner.

Since all of this happened in my "family" I have been reading/researching mercury poisoning. Just from what I've witnessed I have no doubt vaccines cause autism. I strongly feel consumption of fish makes it worse or contributes to it.

I am interested in your response. You have my deepest sympathy re your son. JS

John Best said...

JS; Blogger has problems often. You'll probably be able to post without problems at another time.
You probably know they took the mercury out of animal vaccines about 15 years ago. Maybe thoroughbreds being worth so much money had something to do with that.
The saddest thing about all of this is that mainstream medicine routinely treats mercury poisoning with chelation. The fact that they want to deny it to autistic children is malpractice. I'll bet if your husband asks for treatment, they'll suggest chelation.
My son's making good progress. Thanks for your concern.

Anonymous said...

Hi John - 2 things. 1) are you familiar with this article in national geographic? Chemicals Within I have no doubt the culprit is the mercury in vaccines. I think the flu shot still has it? But what I suspect is the other toxins contributing to it. Look at all the heavy metals the fella in this article has. Also, notice the changes in his tests after he ate 2 fish meals.

When we did our hair analysis we had several toxins, besides the shocking mercury level. The neurologist was very concerned about my husbands aluminum level. He said they believe it's the cause of alzmeimer's.

2) Are you familiar with this technique? We've been very happy with the results thus far. I like it better than chelatin.

One final thing - I'm pretty new to this whole computer thing. I don't get the nastiness expressed here towards you. Besides your need to battle an incompetent govt & medical prof that is for the most part a front for the powerful pharmeceutical companies, you have to put up with this?? What kind of a place is this world coming to??

Sam is very lucky to have a Dad like you!

John Best said...

Anon, I haven't had a chance to look at your links yet. The nastiness here is because a bunch of weirdos who think that nobody should try to cure autism come here to show off their lack of intelligence.

Anonymous said...







Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

May I remind you kindly that Autism is not mercury poisoning


Anonymous said...

I would love to put in this little conjecture into your statement: Curbies suck! People who want to wipe out autism have no idea what they are talking about or what they are even dealing with. Get over yourself if you think it's a big problem.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever met a profoundly autistic child or adult?
Do you know that there are autistics that have absolutely zilch quality of life?
Are you againts helping these autistics to have a happier and more fullfilled life, or do you think they should be left to get on with it?

Anonymous said...

I think they should be helped, but only if they want to be helped. And on their terms.