This is the message that Age of Autism, JB Handley and David Kirby would be promoting if they were the slightest bit honest. These propaganda agents would not be spouting the foolishness about too many vaccines as a cause of autism. The liars from Age of Autism used to tell the truth and discuss how mercury is the cause of autism. Some of them even discussed how they used chelation to remove mercury from their childrens' brains.
Now, they seem to have morphed into a bunch of mental defectives who tout diets as a way to cure mercury poisoning. Of course, they don't discuss mercury poisoning and why it's just plain stupid to think any diet can remove mercury from someone's brain. Instead, they seem to focus on the diet itself without identifying the cause of the autism.
When some seemingly mentally challenged parents decide that certain foods can reverse autism, they tacitly promote the deranged assumption that it must be those same foods that magically cause the autism. Otherwise, how is it possible that removing a few foods could completely reverse severe brain damage?
Collectively, we see this misdirection from a group who used to know that children had their best chance to ameliorate the symptoms of autism by chelating mercury. But now, they don't even want to discuss mercury as they deceptively switch their focus to vaccines that don't even have any mercury in them. Can all of these writers possibly be so stupid that they can't do some simple arithmetic to figure out how much mercury is being shot into fetuses on a per pound basis? Is there anyone among thee geniuses who can make the comparison between the flu shot to pregnant women and the explosion of autism that correlates to the advent of the HepB shot to newborns?
Didn't these same people once discuss how the blood brain barrier (BBB) isn't formed until babies are about one month old and how the mercury from the HepB shot used to go unabated into their brains which evidenced the clear hazard of HepB shots that used to contain 12.5 micrograms of thimerosal? One of their geniuses figured out that, when California reduced thimerosal, mercury must have been floating across the Pacific from China to keep autism rates up. Couldn't this wizard also figure out what so many others have seen as obvious, that the flu shot to pregnant women was so much more hazardous to fetuses than the HepB shot used to be since it had twice as much mercury and the fetus was so much smaller and less developed?
Yet, AoA and their TV personalities who represent our children in the media never mention this. Some have suggested that these TV stars have been muzzled by the networks and are not allowed to speak the truth. Does that possibility also prevent these stars from speaking the truth when they're not on TV lying to the public through their blatant omissions of these facts?
Couldn't anyone at Age of Autism conjure up the same idea that I had a year a couple of years ago and paint signs to inform the public of this hazard that was being blacked out by Rothschild's TV networks? It seems that people who can provoke thousands of parents to make signs that say "Too Many, Too Soon" could also provoke these same parents to make signs that told the whole truth, that the mercury in the flu shot was now the primary cause of the brain damage known as autism. Since I didn't have to hire an advertsing agency to think this up for me, one would think that the collective genius at AoA could come up with a similar idea to promote the truth. Why didn't they?
Omissions of obvious facts are clear evidence of deception.
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