Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ari Ne'eman Responsible for Murdered Kids in Connecticut

Adam Lanza, the Newtown, Ct shooter had Asperger's.  Ari Ne'eman didn't want him cured.  What if Ari Ne'eman and the rest of the assholes from Neurodiversity had all been locked up for fraud years ago?  Would Adam Lanza's parents have learned how to cure him?  Would those little children still be alive?  When will sane people take a stand against lying assholes like Ari Ne'eman?  Can we have a statement from Mr Ne'eman supporting Adam Lanza's celebrating of his brain damage?


Phil/Timelord said...

Best, YOU are the one responsible - because it's people like you who are blocking services in the north east that would have helped Lanza! The boy didn't get the understanding he needed! His parents were either like you (wanted to cure him) or they panicked because the right services weren't available due to idiots like you getting in the way wanting a cure and nothing else!

You are a complete and utter failure! YOU killed those kids! Not Ari or anyone else who opposes a cure. There is no cure, and this statement from you will be used against you as well (you know where). Hopefully I will have it in writing WHEN you lose to me in Court that there is no cure and that you are not telling the truth. I don't care if you allow this comment or not. You'll see it and that's good enough for me.

John Best said...

Phil Gluyas, You're also a violent lunatic with alleged Asperger's who attacked people for no sane reason in your work place. Keep talking so others can see how violent nutjobs think.

Phil/Timelord said...

You just gave more evidence of defamation. Well done.

Oliver M Canby said...

Excellent post John

John Best said...

Phil Gluyas, I thought you were still in the psych ward for stealing women's underwear. When did they let you out?

Anonymous said...

Nice post, Timelord.

Anonymous said...

A Diary Of A Mom (Jessica Wilson) is boasting on her public facebook about being at the innag. today with this ahole Ari. A close up of her, her huge gums and this fat ass Ari on her public blog. God do I hate these ND assholes.