Sunday, September 02, 2007

The USA Is Poisoning China into Autism

Chinese children are being poisoned by American vaccine manufacturers. President George Bush is aware of this and will not do anything to stop it.

Bush's father used to be on the board of Eli Lilly, the company that manufactures thimerosal which is made up of about 50% mercury and is used as a preservative in vaccines. Mercury is the primary cause of autism.

It is cheaper for vaccine manufacturers to make multi-dose vials of vaccines rather then single dose vaccines. To use multi-dose vials, they need to use a preservative to prevent infection. That preservative, thimerosal, is the cause of almost all autism. So, to save some money, vaccine manufacturers decided in 2000, after they knew that they were causing autism, to take thimerosal out of most of the vaccines they sold in the United States but to continue poisoning babies in the rest of the world. Vaccine manufacturers made this decision after they met at Simpsonwood in 2000 to discuss a study done by CDC employee, Thomas Verstraeten in 1999 that showed us that thimerosal had caused an epidemic of autism.

Some American politicians have asked President Bush to help these autistic children and to stop poisoning more babies but he has refused to even meet with these people who don't want any more babies to be poisoned into autism. If President Bush lets the world know the truth about thimerosal and how it caused the autism epidemic, Eli Lilly and other vaccine manufacturerse will lose every dime they have to lawsuits from poisoned children. Since Bush is owned by the Pharmaceutical Corporations, he is doing everything in his power to deny the truth. You will never see this reported on television since television networks earn a ton of money from drug company advertising.

Our son of a bitch president is allowing children and families all over the world to suffer with autism so he can protect the vaccine manufacturers' money. I've seen that the Chinese government is still telling parents that autism is caused by bad parenting. This is not true. Autism is caused mostly by mercury. The symptoms of autism are the same as those of mercury poisoning.

Autism is curable. I don't think the Chinese government is aware of this. If you're reading this in China and have questions, go here and translate them into English where I will try to answer them. You can also visit this site to learn more about the mercury and autism controversy. There actually is no controversy. We've known that mercury was causing autism since 1999 but the denial and coverup has generated lots of discussion.


Anonymous said...

This entry should get you sued by Beijing and Washington, asshat!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This entry should get you sued by Beijing and Washington, asshat!

It looks like Phil is back.

John Best said...

Phil always wants to sue somebody. Too bad he doesn't wake up and sue Eli Lilly.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Phil - guess the job hunt isn't going so well (as if you ever got off your lazy ass).

Anonymous said...

I heard thimerosal is still being used in some flu vaccines in the U.S., which are recommended for pregnant women, infants, and children. A preservative free version of the inactivated influenza vaccine is available only in limited supply.

Bush might veto a bill that has a provision that would ban mercury from childhood flu vaccines. Bush wants an amendment to that bill to remove that provision. Its scary that the support of the slimeballs who have been spewing toxic substances into others, goes all the way to the top.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Best,

You have stated time and time again that people should sue Eli Lilly. I have just one question for you that you have not answered anywhere on this blog that I can see....

Why don't YOU sue them?

You talk a big game, but I see no action. Show us that you believe what you say by acting.

Anonymous said...

John, not wanting to sound like I'm defending Phil, but I've never seen him use the word "asshat" before. You sure it was him? I don't think it was. There are other nitwits lurking around here I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting, Mr. Best.

John Best said...

Jim, I'm waiting too.

Anonymous said...

Lurker's information is right, or at least it jibes with my recent experiences innoculating my own infant. I made sure that thimerosal was not an ingredient (thanks to this blog) and was told that only some flue vaccines still contained it.

And as far as Bush vetoing anything, I wouldn't hold your breath. He has never vetoed anything except for fetal stem cells and a budget bill.

Sam, do you have links that show that the US or Eli Lily is using thimerosal in China?

China has sure been trying to poison Americans lately with poison toothpaste, dogfood and toys.

Anonymous said...

Fore Sam said...
Jim, I'm waiting too.

Tue Sep 04, 05:51:00 AM EDT

Waiting for what? I wouldn't wait I'd sue.

Joeker said...

Anonymous said...


That's precisely what I thought as well! LOL!!!!!