People who are my allies in this little war for our children's lives have screwed up royally. We are facing a major propaganda effort from the pharmaceutical industry and the United States government and the people who presume to lead us have failed to recognize it.
We have a couple of writers who have served a useful purpose with a book and a bunch of articles discussing the cause of autism. Dan Olmsted and David Kirby have managed to publish some of the truth about autism. For that, I applaud them.
Kirby and Olmsted have made an egregious error tough, in supporting Kathleen Seidel's abuse of the first amendment. They allowed themselves to be baited into supporting Seidel by a bunch of child abusers associated with Quackbusters. In effect, their support of Seidel is tacit agreement that it is acceptable to lie to parents of autistic children.
Kirby and Olmsted mistakenly assumed that a lawyer questioning Seidel's motivation to write her lies was somehow an infringement on her freedom of the press. I can only guess that they support the right of any "journalist" to write whatever they want because they are journalists themselves. It reminds me of how all cops seem to support a bad cop no matter what he does.
I wrote to Olmsted, advised him of some facts about Neurodiversity (twice) but he did not reply to me. I have to assume that Dan Olmsted thinks he knows more about this than I do and is just too important to be bothered with what I have to say.
I tried to comment at the Age of Autism to make my point to Olmsted but my comments were deleted. Kim Stagliano told me that Age of Autism had agreed not to mention Seidel's name. I tried to explain further to Mrs Stagliano but she just ignored me.
Stagliano has no clue as to the scope of Quackbusters and their affiliates at Neurodiversity. She has allowed many of their comments to be presented at the Age of Autism while deleting my opposition to them. This woman just can't get it through her thick skull that every word from neurodiversity is a lie.
So, while Kim writes her cutesy little anecdotes about autism and looks at liars like Kristina Chew as friends, children continue to suffer. Chew writes part of a book with a lying scoundrel named Grinker that furthers abuse of autistic children and Stagliano allows Chew to post her propaganda on Age of Autism. When I try to point this out to Kim, she deletes my comments in favor of allowing propaganda experts from neurodiversity to lie to people about autism. Stagliano does not understand that Kristina Chew and Kathleen Seidel are her enemies, enemies of all autistic children.
What can you do when people on your own team are too damn stupid to recognize the enemy? Olmsted and Kirby announced their stupidity to everyone they represent when they backed Kathleen Seidel. Seidel would be elated if no parent ever cured an autistic child. That's her goal, to prevent anyone from curing autism. Propaganda experts like Seidel and Joseph Goebbels don't come out and announce to the world that they are superb liars. They don't announce their disingenuous agendas. You have to be smart enough to read what they have to say and decipher all of the carefully worded lies.
Olmsted, Kirby and Stagliano have not bothered to do this. I'm really surprised J B Handley didn't explain it to them. I hate to knock Age of Autism because I have always respected Handley and what he has done with Generation Rescue. But, I can't sit idly by and watch people who I thought were on my son's side agreeing that the most vile piece of garbage involved in this autism controversy has the right to prevent people from curing autism by lying about it.
In case Dan Olmsted is reading this, I want to make sure he knows that he does not speak for me. People who
lie about autism are my enemy. They are my son's enemy. They need to be silenced, not supported. Every damn lie they write needs to be refuted. You don't refute those lies by burying your head in the sand and hoping they will go away. They sure as hell are not going away when people who pretend to speak for my mercury damaged kid support them.
Since Olmsted is too damn important to bother answering my concerns, I present them here in public where he can't delete them. You and Kirby screwed up. Kathleen Seidel is hazardous to my child. That's makes you hazardous to my child. If you're too damn important to learn something from me while you support my son's enemy, go fuck yourself!