Monday, December 28, 2009
How to End Autism
Parents of autistic kids are just too damn stupid to ever solve the problem. The solution is here if anyone's interested. Good luck. Good bye.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Obama Appoints Ari Ne'eman to Abuse Autistic Children
Obama agrees that it is a good idea to allow the vaccine industry to continue poisoning babies into autism by shooting mercury into pregnant women and he has appointed Ne'eman to this post to help him further deceive the public as to the truth about how autism is caused and how we can cure it.
I wrote the following letter to John Vaughn, Chairperson (not Chairman, so we see he is either a politically correct jackass or a transexual) of the NCD who can be emailed at this address .
Ari Ne'eman does not have autism. I hope you will consider the vast difference
between "autism" and "Asperger's" and do something about the manner
in which young Mr Ne'eman abuses autistic children with his bogus rhetoric. It is an
absolute disgrace that Ne'eman has been appointed to this council. His goal is to harm
all autistic children by lying about the cause of autism and trying to convince naive
parents to avoid curing them.
Autism is not genetic. It is caused by mercury and aluminum in vaccines. Because we
learned this fact in 1999, we began to cure autism in 2000. It is a simple but time
consuming process, chelation, that enables us to cure this horror show. Some children
have been cured quickly with as little as one round of chelation. Others take years to
remove all of the mercury from their brains and give them their lives back.
My son used to be one of the worst cases of autism you can imagine. He was a normal
baby until he was about ten months old. Then, the mercury began to scramble his brain.
He stopped looking at us, stopped babbling and just disappeared from us. He went on to
live a nightmare of feces smearing, bashing his head through walls, screaming in pain all
day long, never sleeping, biting himself, refusing to eat for over a week at a time,
being bound up with painful constipation and never learning anything at all through his
firat six years of school from ages three to eight.
He was almost eight when I began to chelate him. The improvement was tremendous. The
constipation that no doctor could solve vanished after a couple of months and has not
returned since, almost six years now. He used to drag one leg when he walked and that
also vanished at the same time so he began to walk normally. The mental improvement has
been a slow process since then but, looking back, the difference between zero development
for his first eight years when he appeared to be brain dead, and what he is now is
He is now a happy child who eats everything in sight, looks directly into your eyes,
never screams in pain and is learning. I stopped chelating for over two years because
the biting was so bad, I had to get rid of it to make sure that chelation wasn't somehow
causing it. This child who used to bite himself for hours every day while screaming in
pain now has less than one brief episode per month. Now, I'm chelating again and the
improvements continue. At age 13, he used a toilet for the first time a couple of weeks
ago. Progress.
Ari Ne'eman tells people that what I have already done is not possible. Ne'eman is a
blatant liar and he knows it. He tries to pawn himself off as autistic while he tries to
misrepresent people like my son, children who desperately need a cure for the horror that
they endure. Without chelation, my son would have already been stuck in an institution,
drugged heavily to manage his behavior and nothing ever would have been done to help him.
This is exactly what Ne'eman advocates for autistic children with his deranged anti-cure
I implore you to take measures to stop Ne'eman from presenting himself as autistic and
order him to refer to himself as someone with Asperger's Syndrome. While he may be on
the "autistic spectrum", that is hugely different from being
"autistic", a specific term that only describes the lowest functioning rung of
that spectrum. Ne'eman is obfuscating the difference between these terms intentionally.
He is well aware that this blurring of that difference is harmful to those low
functioning autistic people and he has managed to have himself appointed to your council
for one reason, to prevent anyone from curing autism. I would like equal attention to
point out the truth and let people know how we are curing the nightmare of autism.
Thank you,
John Best
Anyone who thinks that curing autism is a good idea should also write to Mr Vaughn and ask him to tell the truth about how we are curing autism and how we can prevent it by keeping mercury away from babies and pregnant women.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Temple Grandin and Alex Plank, Lying Scumbags
autism reality from Alex Plank on Vimeo.
This video shows the essence of the lie that is being touted about autism. Temple Grandin is about as autistic as my eight iron. This money grubbing liar is making herself rich pretending to have autism.
Let's look at what autism is. Autism is a completely mangled brain that is incapable of any functioning on a level that anyone would equate with the human race. People with autism are a complete and utter wreck in every way you can imagine. They eat their own feces and smear it all over the house. They scream in pain all day long. They bite themselves, bash their heads through walls and into cement. They punch themselves in the head, tear pieces of skin off their faces, run into traffic, through glass doors and into walls. They will climb out of high altitude windows with no concern for the danger. They chew on electric cords, destroy curtains, blinds and window shades, slam doors hard enough to shatter the glass, will try to eat anything, bugs, rocks, golf clubs, etc., shred their clothes, open car doors and try to jump out and have to be watched every second that they are awake. Lots of them never sleep at all.
Autistic people never learn to use a toilet, never learn to speak, or type, or use sign language, or communicate in any way besides screaming their heads off for no apparent reason. They do not understand any language. Sometimes they won't eat for days or weeks. They will spin themselves in circles for literally hours without stopping. They will spin the propellers on toy helicopters for hours when they get tired of spinning themselves. They never learn to drive, never learn anything at all in school, never have sex and are complete vegetables their entire lives.
No autistic person is remotely similar to Temple Grandin or Alex Plank. These lying profiteers are both making a living off pretending to be autistic. In Planks own words in this video, the little bastard states that he was diagnosed with Asperger's at age nine. Asperger's bears no resemblance to autism yet this lying bastard refers to himself as autistic so he can profit from mocking the horror that autistic people endure.
Temple Grandin is a PhD. That in itself tells us that she is not remotely similar to anyone with autism who spins in circles all day long and smears feces all over themselves. This old broad drones on and on about what autism is like for her and she doesn't even have it. Many naive people bought her nonsense because she has been around for awhile fooling the public. Naive parents probably believe their feces smearing kids have a chance to grow up to be just like her.
This despicable bitch continues to support the lie that autism is genetic. There is a genetic element to autism, the presence of the APO-E4 protein which means that those who have it can not excrete any mercury, the cause of all autism. Mercury kills brain cells and prevents methylation. That means that a person who can not transform B-12 into methyl B-12 does not have the ability to pay attention to anything. An inability to pay attention to anything is a perfect description of autism. Temple Grandin and Alex Plank do not have that problem.
Temple Grandin should stop lying to the general public by misrepresenting the true horror of autism. If this old broad has any morals, she'll use her status as a celebrity speaker and start telling the truth, that autism is a nightmare that can be cured with chelation. If she hasn't heard about chelation, I'd be happy to educate this lying bitch so she might stop abusing autistic children with her bullshit.
Grandin also needs to learn that "Autism" is not a spectrum. "Autism" is the bottom rung on the "Autistic Spectrum". Autism is much different than PDD/NOS, Asperger's and ADD. One would think a PhD could appreciate the differences between these simple words. To refer to everything on the spectrum as "autism" does a severe disservice to people who have "autism". I wonder if this PhD can figure that out.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Parents of Autistic Kids are Absolute Morons
It's quite clear that JB Handley and his big mouth has no guts at all when it comes to answering my criticism of him. Nope, Handley is too much of sissy to face down anything I've said about him. I suppose he thinks that if he just ignores it, I'll go away. The same applies to other liars like Kirby, Stagliano and Fournier.
Handley is good at criticizing his co-conspirators like David Gorski, Paul Offit and other obvious scumbags. Those of us with triple digit IQ's aren't fooled by this nonsense though. Handley fooled all of us for awhile while he said the right things. I suppose he gained enough trust and respect from us that he thought he could fool all of us when he decided to change his agenda and sell us out.
Only a moron would enlist the services of Jenny McCarthy to speak on our behalf. For all of the publicity that she garnered, all it did for us was to make us look like wackos having a Playboy bunny as our spokesperson. This could not have escaped Handley. He had to know that David Gorski would write all sorts of garbage showing McCarthy's soft porn videos and that a bunch of other bloggers would deride her all over the internet. I especially liked one video of her where she was giving a blow job to some guy in a squirrel costume. That really makes us look good in the eyes of the public.
Handley pulled the same thing that Frank Klein pulled the way Frank slithered away quietly after he set the propaganda machine of Neurodiversity in progress. Klein showed up and taught all of the apparent mental cases from Neurodiversity what words to use to disrupt people from stopping the autism epidemic and curing the victims. Handley used a more sinister tactic to disrupt us and prevent us from ending the epidemic.
Handley published his bogus phone survey and then started veering away from the truth about how mercury had caused all of the autism. He now leads the deception by going on TV and ranting about too many vaccines being the cause while he conveniently omits mentioning mercury. He puts a pretty good sneer on his face too while he does this to make people think he's truly angry about it. Stupid parents who can't see through this ruse believe him. The same parents who knew beyond the slightest doubt that mercury had harmed their children now support this bastard who says that mercury did not cause the problem. He says mercury did not cause the autism every time he blames "too many vaccines" without mentioning mercury. Even parents who cured their kids by removing the mercury still support this lying bastard while he sells out all of us on national TV. Parents who cured their kids with chelation know that vaccines without mercury did not hurt their kids one little bit.
Parents who now read the reports of women miscarrying right after they receive flu shots with mercury know that the mercury murdered the fetus. They have known this all along yet they still won't allow themselves to believe how Handley, Kirby et al. have misrepresented them.
Handley loves to bash people on the Age of Autism blog who can't do anything about solving the problem. He knows that the only people who can solve the problem is the public. He knows that public opinion can grow into a force that the politicians can not ignore and that's why he concentrates his efforts on riling up his followers to waste their time talking to each other within the autism community. He will not support efforts to inform the general public about this crime. He will not support efforts to have liars from Neurodiversity locked up for the fraud they commit everyday. That fraud infects public opinion negatively and that's just what Handley wants.
When I once asked Handley for his support in making a public outcry about a corrupt judge who refused to allow autism experts to testify about autism, Handley wrote back to me and pretended he didn't know what I was talking about. Nobody could truly be that stupid. When I asked Handley to do something about Kim Stagliano allowing Neurodiversity to smear my reputation on the Age of Autism blog, he tried to tell me he had nothing to do with Age of Autism. Kim removed one comment that smeared me a few weeks after the fact so that nobody saw it but refused to allow me to defend myself from the lies that she printed about me. She allowed other dishonest comments from Neurodiversity to stand. The telling part of that mess though, was the fact that I was presenting the truth about Amanda Baggs being a fraud, something else I'm now sure Handley did not want anyone to know. Maybe that's why, after about a year of being told by Spectrum Magazine that they would publish the truth about Baggs' fraud, that they finally made up a lame excuse to back down from publishing it. They succeeded in wasting the time of those of us who put all of this information together which helped Pharma to continue their propaganda against all of us. Amanda Baggs' fraud is a great story and it should be published someplace where every autism parent can see it. The fact that these people interferred with that tells us they are dishonest. They do not want everyone to know the truth.
So, we can see that the corruption goes beyond Age of Autism. The case of Amanda Baggs' fraud is clearcut. The proof, via all sorts of internet posts in her own words and witnesses from when she was a normal college student is undeniable. The proof that Baggs is a fraud shows all of the Neurodiversity bloggers to be frauds as well. They knew she was a fake. Handley and Stagliano knew she was a fake. Spectrum Magazine knew she was a fake but none of them would say one word about it. This can only be because they wanted to keep the propaganda going to prevent us from stopping the autism epidemic.
Nobody will say anything about the facts that I've been pointing out regarding Handley, Kirby, Stagliano and Fournier. One would think they would try to refute what I say. They can't do that so they have to keep their mouths shut and hope I'll go away.
If anyone wants to beat the government and stop the poisoning of our children, you have to take grassroots actions to inform the public. You have to put signs on your lawns, pass out leaflets at supermarkets, run for public office, give speeches at your state capitols, file charges against state officials who refuse to authorize chelation for autistic children, introduce bills calling for the dissemination of the facts we know about how mercury causes autism and how to remove it, write about the corruption of behavioral therapists who oppose the truth about mercury and will all lose their jobs if we cure our children and wake up to liars like JB Handley and Kirby who are now lying about the fact that mercury causes autism.
When Handley calls for a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study now, he does not mention including children of women who had the flu shot while pregnant. He knows that this will skew the results so that they make no sense and will show that lots of kids who aren't vaccinated will have autism due to the mother's flu shot. The study won't bother showing that though and the public, as well as all of the stupid parents who follow Hnadley and Kirby will have been fooled.
I doubt any of these stupid parents will wake up and see the truth. I'll just keep writing it though. I see the truth.
Do you know what any honest person would say about autism? They would tell you it is caused by mercury. They would tell you to have a hair test for deranged mineral transport, a genetic test to rule out fragile X and Rhetts syndrome, a test to see which version of the APO protein a child had and they would tell you that Andy Cutler is the most knowledgeable person on the planet when it comes to curing autism.
They would direct you to the Autism Mercury group where you can learn how to cure autism and would not ask you to pin your hopes for recovering your child on that stupid GF/CF diet. They would tell you to trust Andy Cutler to give you the right information. JB Handley, Kirby, Stagliano, Fournier and TACA do not tell you this. It's not a matter of differing opinions about autism. It's a matter of these bastards lying to you.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
New England Center for Children, Autistic Abusing Maggots
Here's a nice appraisal of the New England Center for Children (NECC), from a recent comment on a post I wrote early in 2008. NECC is typical of all institutions that house autistic people, drug them, beat them, shock them, subdue them any way they can until they can give them the knockout pills to make them sleep at night. Then do the same thing every day for the rest of their lives, never bothering to consider any medical treatment that we now know can help give them their lives back.
The reason that this insanity persists is because people who are aware of it refuse to take any positive action to pressure these profiteers into updating their knowledge and implementing new treatments. Pressure can be brought to bear on these autistic abusing "caregivers". If anyone is interested in doing so, please email me at . If a fair number of people decide to become involved, we can break this perpetuation of abusing autistic people for a lifetime and we can force them to give them decent treatment.
Anonymous said...
One of the best descriptions of NECC that I have ever seen. What a hell hole:
I have to pipe in about NECC as well.
From what I've seen over the past four years as a resident of Massachusetts with two effected children, NECC seems to be the enemy. It seems to be the kind of place where some families can feel they're having a benign, even helpful experience while horror is going on just down the hall. The use of drugs, restraint and food reinforcements known to be toxic to our kids is part of it, but it's also the fact that NECC emits a distinctly malevolent "political" and ideological influence on autism services in the state. Here's a sample of NECC's research newsletter entries:
Note the number of anti-biomed/vaccines-really-really-don't-cause-autism articles, and the one I particularly like for it's "sophisticated ironic play" on David Kirby's book, an entry entitled "Evidence of Harm"-- to describe the child who died from chelation. This is not the publication of an open minded, non-politicized organization that will ever change its mind or its tact on cause and treatment of autism. Stick a fork in NECC, they're cooked and the world would be better off without it.
We've had to fire more than one private ABA therapist because the anti-biomed brainwashing they received at NECC made them literally dangerous to our kids. In one situation, the BCBA deliberately wore clothes soaked in fabric softener to follow up her written protest against our request that therapists not wear strong perfume because of our kids' serious reactions to synthetics. One therapist received such a scary brow beating from the NECC-trained director of the service over our children's biomedical issues (the director was yelling that our kids "have no medical issues") that she had to quit and decided to return to school so she could get out of ABA altogether.
Though I've met parents who have their children at the school who opt out of drug treatment, NECC pushes and prescribes antipsychotics and other drugs routinely. And when the children don't improve from the Skittles reinforcements and Risperdal regimen, the center has referred the failures to the Judge Rotenberg "shock" Center (page 3 of JRC's own "executive summary" on some of NECC's referrals: ; then go to page 7 for details of NECC students being drugged and restrained up to 70 times per week ).
JRC is the repository for children so drug damaged that they'd die if they took another pill but who's behavior has become so problematic that no other institution will take them. I view places like NECC as a kind of "feeding tube" for places like JRC, both because NECC exerts its considerable influence in preventing further research on environmental cause and because of its practices. So much for NECC's "positives only" philosophy if they drug and restrain to this degree and if the end result is landing at JRC. Positives only is a mischaracterization.
NECC is funded in part by Dunkin' Donuts, so I seriously doubt they'll ever change their credo on GF/CF and biomed. I would run steer clear of anything that NECC was intrinsically involved in. I don't particularly care how "great" they are at providing ABA (and I question this because of little things like the fact the school would rely on antipsychotics and would *RESTRAIN A CHILD UP TO 70 TIMES A WEEK BEFORE IT WOULD EVER TRY GF/CF*-- sheesh)considering the other drawbacks in their philosopy and approach.
Posted by: Mass protest November 24, 2009 at 12:25 PM
This post has been up for a few days now and, as usual, not one person wants to take any action to put an end to this abuse of our children. I'd love to grab a machine gun and go down to NECC and force them to treat our kids decently but I'd probably be killed by a SWAT team in the process. So, as always, the only option to solving this crime being perpetrated against our children is to ask people who read about these atrocities to respond and help gather a mob of righteously angry citizens to plot out a course of action to solve the problem. Anyone reading this who will not take this simple action is giving tacit approval to this abusive treatment of poisoned children and adults.
Since JB Handley, David Kirby, Kim Stagliano, Wendy Fournier and all of the other imbeciles who consider themselves autism activists will not say one word about this or engage in positive action to resolve the problem, we can be certain that all of those people are useless pices of dung who will never do one thing to end this nightmare. But, they will keep their mouths yapping to make people think they are doing something useful by bitching amongst themselves and emailing Congress so Congress can delete their messages and ignore them.
Once again, I register my disgust with parents of autistic children who have no guts.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Kim Stagliano, Neurodiverse Nitwit
You really have to laugh at Kim claiming to be in favor of seeking cures for autism here. Kim is one who likes to support Neurodiversity, the rabid, degenerate, sadistic scum of the Earth who abuse all autistic children with their dishonest rhetoric. Of course, Kim is right in it with them when she claims we need to seek cures that already exist. It's one of those little deceptions that Age of Autism is so good at.
Do you think we parents of kids with autism are loud and unruly now? Are you tired of us raising Cain about our kids' plight and seeking cures and treatments with a fervor that borders on obsession? Want us to please be quiet and just go away? Wait until we die, and leave you to care for our precious kids. It's coming. I can see the future. Kim Stagliano
Advising people to seek cures is the same as saying that there is no cure. We all know this is false since kids have been cured of autism starting in 2000. But, Kim makes it sound like she's gung ho to help these kids. That's not an easy thing to pull off when you're lying like a neurodiverse psychopath about the facts concerning a cure for autism. The only truthful thing Kim says here is that she's planning to leave her kids care to the state. Typical neurodiverse nitwit, just a different kind of lying than we're used to from Neurodiversity. It's a shame these girls have such a rotten mother who tries to make people believe she's on the side of helping autistic children while she stabs her own kids in the back by supporting Kristina Chew and her pack of child abusers.
If memory serves correctly, Kim wrote this shortly before two of her associates from Age of Autism, Olmsted and Kirby, went public in supporting Kathleen Seidel, Neurodiversity's top remaining propaganda expert, against Mark Geier. And, when I tried to question Olmsted about that, Kim sent me a quaint little reply about not wanting to mention Seidel.
Trusting Age of Autism is hazardous to autistic children. I hope the decent parents who have been conned by these scumbags will see the truth soon.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Age of Autism Liars Censor Lenny Schafer
Re: Olmsted on Autism: Why Insel Must Go -- Now!
I agree with Dan that the IACC is a "sham". However, I don't see how switching
one public health bureaucrat with another will make any difference. IACC never
has, and never will do the research really needed. Autism advocates need to stop
prostrating themselves to these inherently hostile government agencies. Instead,
we should be passing laws and filing lawsuits. I tried to post this on the Age
of Autism blog and it was censored out, btw. AofA need to get their political
focus tuned up. The IACC is not news. - Lenny (Schafer)
Don't let this bother you, Lenny. Kim Stagliano censors me for telling the truth about Neurodiversity. This is just further proof that AoA and Pharma are on the same side.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Trifecta of Evil, Age of Autism, Autism Speaks and ASAN
Age of Autism sucked in the sane parents who want to cure autistic kids and conned them into supporting deceptive public figures who present only part of the truth. While David Kirby continues to find incredible stories about how autism is caused to cover up the truth, these stupid parents just don't have the brains to see what Kirby is doing. They blindly support this psychological warfare expert because they aren't smart enough to think this through for themselves.
I've tried to question some of them in private to help them see the truth about Kirby, Handley and some other sadists but they are too brainwashed to see me as anything but a traitor. That's how it goes with cults. People of average intelligence can be easily led when they are made to feel good about being part of a peer group and conned into believing that they are joining forces to fight evil.
As I was a part of this group until a couple of years ago, I freely joined in the valid opposition to the Pharmaceutical industry, until it started to go very far astray. Now, these parents support the use of thimerosal in vaccines and they aren't even bright enough to see how they have been conned into doing that.
These people have been led by Kirby, Handley and Jenny McCarthy to blame all sorts of red herrings for causing autism instead of sticking to opposing the one thing that has been proven as the cause, thimerosal. They have even been sheepish enough to use the same obtuse language that Kirby uses by talking about "genetic predispositions" and "environmental influences" when they should be using the words "APO-E4" and "mercury". APO-E4 is the "genetic trigger" as these imbeciles like to phrase it and mercury is the "environmental influence". Stupid, cult following parents just don't see how using these terms takes the focus off the real problem. Kirby knows how this works because he trained all of them to use these moronic terms. To fit in with the group, the brainwashed parents complied and began writing rhetoric against their own children.
Katie Wright joined the crew from her perch at Autism Speaks and conned these parents into believing that she had broke from the mold of her own organization and was now going to help lead these fools to the promised land. Where does she lead them? She leads them to places like the IACC (Inter Agency Autism Coordinating Committee) where she wastes their time and energy "doing battle" with the evil government. You can't fight the government because they always win when they make the rules. Any nitwit knows this but not the brainwashed parents who follow the lead from Age of Autism and Kirby. You have to give orders to the government to beat them, not screw around with them by following their rules. I've said this a million times but the uneducated parents who follow these liars just aren't smart enough to learn this. The result is that we have a lot of stupid parents making a lot of noise about the wrong thing and influencing public opinion in a bad way.
Bob Wright pretends that he has no control over Autism Speaks and can't tell them what to do. Katie Wright joins in this misdirection. It's her organization and she could do whatever she wanted. She can shut it down if she wants and start again with all of the liars gone if she really wanted to do the right thing with all of the money she steals from the public. If this bitch really gave a damn about any autistic kid besides her own, she could call press conferences and detail the sham the is going on at Autism Speaks that sees every dime they take in wasted and no child cured. Anyone who believes that Katie Wright is looking out for the interest of any autistic kid besides hers should have their head examined. I can only imagine what I would do if I started something like Autism Speaks and watched what it had turned into. Paying a slug like Geraldine Dawson $600+K to go and lie to Congress would not be my idea of doing good with that money for autistic kids.
While Ari Ne'eman and his brainwashed psychopaths are out protesting Autism Speaks for the wrong reasons, Katie Wright and Age of Autism remain silent. This can only mean that they support Ne'eman and his band of criminals. If Katie didn't support Ne'eman, she could probably rile up the stupid parents who follow her to protest Autism Speaks for the right reason. Katie Wright could lead these dopes to insist that NYU put their billboards back up that spelled out the truth about how horrid autism is and she could also rally them to protest Autism Speaks latest video for the right reason, that they again denied that a cure exists for autism.
When Katie Wright, Kirby and Age of Autism ignore all of this treachery without ever mentioning it, it is tacit approval of the deception. They can't be so blind that the only enemy of autistic children they can see is Paul Offit. While they moan and groan about Offit and other overt criminals, they abet the covert criminals who affect public opinion and prevent all of our kids from receiving the best medical care that they should have.
If you're one of the parents who has been conned by these bastards, maybe it's time to wake up and learn how to fight to win instead of following these assholes who are leading you to fight to lose.
Monday, October 12, 2009
"Dr" Andrew Moulden and Other Scumbags

I just checked Moulden's brainguard site and found a whole new site full of brand new bullshit. It's more commercial than it used to be with all sorts of quackery for sale now.
There's one page that sells DVD's where you can buy a DVD that tells you about vaccine exemptions for a mere $45. Of course, you can go here and find out all you need to know about exemptions for free. But, some simpletons probably think it's a good idea to give a lawyer, Alan Phillips, $45 for the same information.
It seems that Moulden now works with Bright Steps Forward to cure autism by having kids where a special jacket. Wearing the jacket must do something magical to make the speech therapy they use work better. As if speech therapy ever made a brain damaged non-verbal child able to speak. This is a little different than the cure he had figured out of using special herbs but never described in his book that was partially written on his old brainguard site. He had a chapter listed there for "cure" but must have been too busy to write it.
He charges $15 to $20 for his travelling lecture show now instead of the old rate of $5. I think he has added the mother and daughter Tocco team to the playbill. These two dingbats give out ordinary information that is already well known, and freely available, and Mary made it easy to donate money to her, just click. Parents newly stuck with autism might be happy to give them some money to watch them speak. You won't learn anything that you can't find for free all over the internet though.
Moulden still makes the ridiculous claim that he can't practice medicine due to his conscience or something but he should be able to become a DAN doctor with no trouble at all. That is, if he actually had an MD degree. One would think he could sell his magical cure for autism by associating with DAN. He could even learn from Kurt Woeller how to treat patients online without bothering to see any of them instead of traipsing around the country giving lectures for $15 and helping Bright Steps Forward sell magic jackets.
Does anyone believe this guy?
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Alzheimer's, and Age of Autism's Dishonesty
Although a specific gene has not been identified as the cause of late-onset AD, one predisposing genetic risk factor does appear to increase a person’s risk of developing the disease. This increased risk is related to the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene found on chromosome 19. APOE contains the instructions needed to make a protein that helps carry cholesterol in the bloodstream. APOE comes in several different forms, or alleles. Three forms—APOE ε2, APOE ε3, and APOE ε4—occur most frequently.
•APOE ε2 is relatively rare and may provide some protection against the disease. If AD does occur in a person with this allele, it develops later in life than it would in someone with the APOE ε4 gene.
•APOE ε3 is the most common allele. Researchers think it plays a neutral role in AD—neither decreasing nor increasing risk.
•APOE ε4 occurs in about 40 percent of all people who develop late-onset AD and is present in about 25 to 30 percent of the population. People with AD are more likely to have an APOE ε4 allele than people who do not develop AD. However, many people with AD do not have an APOE ε4 allele.
We see that the NIH will not tell the truth about the APO proteins and that they know how the APO's determine how much toxic metal a person can excrete. The article above is from 2004, while David Kirby was probably writing his book. One would think that Kirby, JB Handley and the lying scoundrels at Age of Autism would be aware of this information and would see that if 25 to 30 percent of the population can not excrete any mercury or aluminum, that it is a key factor in autism. Yet, these liars refuse to mention it.
Dishonest scientists who do Alzheimer's research abet the NIH by not admitting what is known about the function of the APO proteins. Age of Autism, Kirby and Handley also abet this twisting of important information by ignoring it.
Will this help any parents wake up to the fact that Age of Autism, Kirby and Handley are leading them astray? I can only hope.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Age of Autism Asks Obama to Keep Causing Autism
Now, the flu shot to pregnant women is the most effective way to poison a fetus into autism but Age of Autism won't share this common knowledge information. Instead, they keep promoting nonsense by asking Obama to ban the wrong vaccine. In the meantime, all of those pregnant women who will be lining up for flu shots this week will have good odds of having an autistic baby, thanks to Age of Autism helping the CDC to lie to them.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
JB Handley & David Kirby, Liars
Handley showed up in 2005 and started Generation Rescue. Before he started that, he had done a TV interview where he said that all autism was caused by mercury and that chelation would cure it in a year or two.
Handley chose to promote Rashid Buttar's advice which included injecting urine into people. This was the first indication that Handley was going to try to make us all look like idiots. He could have used Andy Cutler's protocol like everyone else who was curing their kids but he went and dug up this misfit who was shooting urine into people, bizarre.
How could anyone argue with what Handley was doing though when he was throwing his own money around (supposedly), paying for ads in USA today to promote Generation Rescue. All of the people Handley had swindled to join him were just happy to be helping other parents. How could any of us suspect that he was going to sell us out?
Let's look at what Handley did with his idiotic study in 2006. I have no idea how he collected this data with phone calls but the result was utter bullshit. The results showed that 1 out of 50 boys who had never been vaccinated were autistic. It also showed that boys who were fully vaccinated were autistic at a rate of 1 out of 33, a number far below anything that had been found by anyone else. The really screwball result though, was that boys who were only partially vaccinated were autistic at a rate of 1 out of 14, a number so ridiculous that nobody could take this study seriously.
Now, if you want to look at it, it's still on the GR website but, it's in a pdf and it's posted on there sideways. So, if you want to compare the numbers for yourself, you have to enlarge it 200X and turn your head sideways while scrolling back and forth as you try to remember what you're trying to compare. This is a great way to discourage people from actually bothering to read it so that those who trust JB Handley will just take his word for it that the study shows something useful. It's pure bullshit.
In the meantime, after making us look like fools with this dumb study, JB has been howling about having the government do a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study. All this will accomplish is to waste our time and effort when we could be out doing something useful instead that might force the government to admit the truth. Granted, Stanford ain't much of a school when you compare it to schools around Boston and other east coast cities but it's right at the top of the second tier universities that you find in California. It's hard to believe that anyone who went to Stanford could be this stupid to actually trust the government who had already poisoned his son with mercury when he should have been taught somewhere along the line how great injustices like this could be solved. I'll bet that Handley heard of Martin Luther King at some point in his life. I'll also bet that he heard about Viet Nam. Maybe Stanford even taught him how public opinion resolved these two issues.
Is it possible for anyone as stupid as Handley seems to be to become a multi-millionaire who can throw his money around to seemingly do so much good for kids with autism? Do peole who are this ignorant about how government works have the brains to become that wealthy? One would think that a wealthy guy like this would appreciate that wasting time arguing with the government isn't going to do us any good. Hasn't he learned anything by watching Pharma bribe almost every Congressman to realize that the only way to beat the government is to either bribe them yourself or SWAY PUBLIC OPINION? So, why does he keep encouraging people to waste time playing games with the government instead of breaking their balls? Makes no sense to me.
Handley did sway public opinion when he gave Generation Rescue to Jenny McCarthy. In the eyes of the public, he let an ex playboy bunny take the reins so that the public would perceive her as they perceive all playboy bunnies...a dumb broad with nice tits...someone whose opinion versus a bunch of doctors is instantly disregarded by a vast majority of the public who we need to understand the issue so they will also become enraged at the fact that children are still being poisoned intentionally with mercury in vaccines.
Along with making a dumb broad with nice tits our spokeswoman, Handley helped everyone start speaking against their own best interests by loudly denying the fact that mercury had caused the autism. That's what people were saying to the general public when they jumped on the stupidity bandwagon and began shouting "too many, too soon" without mentioning mercury.
I hope all of the honest parents who were led astray by Handley and David Kirby, whose subterfuge I spelled out in some videos that you can see if you scroll down a little, will let themselves see how these two psychological warfare experts wasted some years of our time and get back on track.
I hope people won't waste any more time by seeking revenge on these bastards and instead, join me in putting up signs in your yards and on your cars warning the public that the flu shots they are trying to shove down our throats will cause autism, Alzheimer's and Gulf War Syndrome. Everyone who knows that mercury caused autism has to help the general public see the truth so more kids won't be poisoned. Let Kirby and Handley waste their time with the government if they want. Stop wasting yours, please.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Wendy Fournier Helps to Murder 11 Year Old Boy, National Autism Association
If Wendy had answered me and I had achieved a fast start to the program I was trying to develop, this murdered child and his father might still be alive today. But, Wendy is one of those "warrior moms" who is just too self-important to listen to anyone who knows how to solve the whole problem of autism. Wendy Fournier and all of the other idiotic mothers who follow David Kirby and JB Handley just keep allowing themselves to be led by these dishonest bastards while autistic children continue to die.
These dumb broads have not developed any programs that can help parents in similar situations. They are quite adept at moaning about this sort of thing on Yahoo groups but just don't have the brains to take any positive actions to solve the problem. These mentally inept broads are also good at burying their heads in the sand so that they don't see any criticism of their moronic "advocacy".
I'd like to challenge NAA to come up with a better idea than the one I presented to them about housing and treating autistic children so that they might regain normal function of their brains and be able to live a decent life. Obviously, NAA doesn't give a fuck about taking positive action to place children where they might achieve this before their parents crack under the stress and kill them. I guess Kirby and Handley didn't tell them to enable their brains to think forwardly about such things.
The National Autism Association must be aware that this has happened many times now. Are there any husbands of these stupid women who can convince them that they should start listening to straight men instead of queers to solve problems involving children. Queers don't have any experience with children so their opinions should generally be dismissed. Perhaps men who cure autism also have more on the ball than queers who advise people to wait for studies to tell them what to do while the kids wind up dead in the meantime.
Sorry, I almost forgot to thank Lenny Schafer for throwing me out of the EOHarm group so I couldn't help to educate these dumb broads. Since the wise old Mr Schafer didn't want me to take on that task, perhaps he will teach these women some common sense himself. I can only hope. The next kid who winds up murdered by a parent hopes so too, Lenny.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Age of Autism Murders 11 Year Old
September 30th, 2009
"Rose & Anna – I am mentally ill. I have manic depression (bipolar). At no point have I considered murdering my child due to lack of services. The idea that this dad was depressed is speculation. Even if he was, murder is not justifiable. I am not saying ‘hate this dad’. I am saying, do not pity him"
Age of Autism publicly supported Leitch and his mentally ill appraisal of autism when they supported Kathleen Seidel's abuse of the 1st amendment to defame Mark Geier and anyone else who told the truth about autism. Leitch and Seidel are equally mentally deranged and no honest person would ever support what they have to say about autism. By supporting these insane rantings, Age of Autism told everyone they were not going to tell the truth about autism.
That's exactly what Age of Autism does. They present treacherous lies that prevent people from taking the proper action to stop the government from poisoning children into autism. When Age of Autism tells people to play games with the government it is like advising a child rape victim to be nice to the rapist instead of telling his parents what happened.
Everyone who deals with autism pities this father who killed his kid. I think I understand why he did it. It's very frustrating knowing that autism could be eradicated and cured if only the government would tell the truth. It's even more frustrating when the majority of parents who know this follow liars who kiss the government's ass instead of taking action against the government.
There are all sorts of ways to oppose the government and force them to do the right thing. Anyone with an imagination can come up with some. The one way to make sure that the government does nothing though, is to kiss their ass. It's just like kissing a rapist's ass. He'll still rape you and that's just what the government will always do.
Perhaps all of these parents who follow Age of Autism and David Kirby have also been brain damaged by mercury and can't think for themselves. Not being a drooling imnbecile who follows faggots myself, I don't quite understand the mentality of anyone who would follow this lousy leadership. Or, maybe it's a level of stupidity that's just too low to fathom. Maybe someone can explain it to me.
Anyhow, it's this imbecilic attitude of kissing the government's ass that allows for people like this guy who killed his kid to exist. If we forced the government to do the right thing, these parents of autistic kids who experience hopelessness would have someplace to turn to find better answers. If parents see that Age of Autism and Kirby are misleading them about how to win this war, things can be turned around. If not, they might as well all join Kevin Leitch and his mentally ill cronies who like to talk about these things but would never get off their asses to solve the problem. This is what followers do. They wine over how awful it is but they never decide to engage in positive action to force the government to obey The People.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Amanda Baggs, Unaffected by Swine Flu Shot

Since the vaccine didn't bother Amanda at all, I want to advise all Autism Hub bloggers to make sure they take as many doses of the vaccine as possible. We keep hearing reports of people dying so you shouldn't take any chances. To be safe, you should probably try to get 5 or 6 doses to make sure you have lots of protection.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Oathkeepers, Psychological Warfare Against We the People
Stewart Rhodes is the founder of a group called Oathkeepers. He has cleverly disguised a plan to call on the military, veterans and police to allow domestic enemies of the Constitution to carry out the poisoning of babies unimpeded by asking those of us who belong to these groups of patriotic citizens to do nothing until after the crime has been perpetrated upon us. This lawyer makes himself sound good by pretending that refusing to obey orders after genocide has been perpetrated is useful to anyone.
When approached about the fact that the genocide needs to be stopped before it happens, Rhodes assaults people with insults and throws them off his forum. When advised that a corrupt Congress should be dealt with by military intervention, Mr Rhodes supports business as usual as babies continue to be poisoned with vaccines.
Having confronted this scumbag lawyer about his disingenuous leadership and watching him hide like a scared rabbit behind insults, I have to think that Oathkeepers is an organization dedicated to disinforming Americans about useful actions that we can take.
Mr Rhodes took great pride in having General Albert Stubblebine join his group. When informed that Stubblebine was not telling the truth and was also trying to lead people down a false path to doom, Rhodes proved to me that he was not to be trusted.
By opposing information about how babies are intentionally being poisoned with vaccines, Stewart Rhodes has announced that he is generating propaganda against babies and people should not be sucked into associating themselves with this bastard.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Droopy Banned from Autcom Again, President of Autcom Resigns
It seems that some of the evil scumbags from Neurodiversity had merely convinced Sharisa to accept the Presidency of Autcom to give these scumbags some respectability. Sharisa removed the names from her resignation letter but anyone who knows what went on last year with Jim Sinclair and Amanda Baggs being involved with banning an autistic woman from this conference can make an educated guess about who was involved in the same crap this year.
Sharisa is a decent and intelligent young woman with cerebral palsy who was used by Neurodiversity, that group of liars who spawned Ari Ne'eman, that despicable, lying bastard who JB Handlay will not oppose while he misrepresents autism in the major media.
Now that Sharisa has seen the truth about how evil and dishonest the rest of these lowlifes from Autcom are, I wonder if the idiot lawyer, Courtney Lockwood might decide to check with Sharisa and decide to take some action about allowing Amanda Baggs to present dishonest information in New Hampshire this Friday.
If Courtney Lockwood has any scruples at all, she should investigate Autcom and take measures to see that Droopy has every penny refunded to her that she lost when she had to cancel her travel plans at the last minute. Perhaps some people might wish to call Lockwood from the Disability Rights Center and encourage her to do the right thing for an autistic woman who has been abused by Autcom. The phone number can be found in the link above. We know that Lockwood doesn't mind Amanda Baggs abusing my son so people need to convince this moronic bitch that Autcom should not also be allowed to abuse Droopy and her traveloing companion who lost money due to this discrimination.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Ari Ne'eman Learned This, Why Didn't Kirby and Handley?
Ari Ne'eman is a young man who wants to prevent anyone from curing autism. That's what he has said. Yet, people like JB Handley, who claim to champion the cause of curing autism, ignore Ne'eman while he gains support from people who have autistic children. Ne'eman sways public opinion while Handley helps him accomplish that feat by ignoring him. Lenny Schafer also helps Ne'eman by advising people to ignore him.
Ne'man goes on TV and is featured in magazines while leaders of people who want to help cure autism are silent. Their silence abets the treachery.
The Ku KLux Klan, in their ignorance, was not silent during Civil Rights. They fought hard to uphold segregation but they lost, as they should have.
Leaders of the fight to cure autism refuse to fight at all while Ari Ne'eman and Neurodiversity keep making huge gains in their fight to control public opinion.
While Ne'eman meets with Obama, JB Handley, Kirby, Schafer, Fournier and others are silent. While Amanda Baggs speaks at conferences defrauding parents of autistic children, Handley, Kirby, Schafer and Fournier are eerily silent. Should we conclude that Handley, Kirby, Schafer and Fournier see themselves in a less tenable position than the Ku Klux Klan were in in 1963 and decided to quit? Or have they sold out those children intentionally with their silence?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
How to Cause Autism, David Kirby and J B Handley
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ari Ne'eman at the White House Again, and JB Handley Says Nothing
While Ne'eman seems to be able to walk into the White House and lie about autism any time he likes, people like J B Handley, David Kirby, Lenny Schafer, Dan Olmsted and Wendy Fournier don't have one word to say about how Ne'eman perverts the truth about autism. We certainly can't expect an imbecile like Jenny McCarthy to recognize the damage this does to all autistic children either.
Ne'eman is the dishonest college kid who refers to himself as autistic when he admits to only being diagnosed with Asperger's. He makes TV appearances and tells the world that he is autistic and does not want to be cured. One would think that JB Handley, founder of Generation Rescue, would be displeased that a kid like Ne'eman was misrepresenting the truth about autism and advising millions of people that autism should not be cured. We don't see Ne'eman biting himself or smearing feces as many of our autistic children do. And, unlike our kids who can't speak at all, Ne'eman is an excellent speaker who lies like a seasoned politician.
If an average guy like me who's not a multi-millionaire can see this deception with no trouble at all, you'd think a guy like Handley, who must have something on the ball to become filthy rich could also spot this deception that paints a false picture of the horror of autism to deceive the whole world with this publicity. One would think that Handley could see how this works against severely autistic kids by Ne'eman telling everyone that autism is no big deal and that there's no need to cure it. Ignoring this deception is not what you'd expect from Handley who allegedly wanted to help cure autistic kids by founding Generation Rescue. One would think that Handley would want parents of autistic kids to know that Ne'eman is intentionally misrepresenting how horrid autism is.
When Handley and the other idiots mentioned above keep letting this go by saying nothing at all, it looks like they endorse this misrepresentation. They keep up a good front by bashing Paul Offit all day long while Ne'eman talks to President Obama and cuts our childrens' throats.
Perhaps one person will read this and see the deception that is being played out by JB Handley, Wendy Fournier, Lenny Schafer, David Kirby, Rick Neubrander, Dan Olmsted and Jenny McCarthy and see how these leaders have sold out our children. One intelligent parent might let others know and, maybe we can take the reins back from these assholes and put an end to autism. I can't be the only parent of an autistic kid who can see this deception.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Prayers Asked for Wendy Fournier
Congressman Dan Burton offered to help Wendy by giving advice on how to beat the corrupt politicians but Wendy can't even be bothered listening to it. Burton pointed out the mistakes that autism activists have made and some people have learned from it but not Wendy. When you are the leader of an organization that is not achieving its goals, it is common practice to use techniques like brainstorming to discover solutions. Good leaders know that every idea presented in brainstorming sessions should be weighed on its merits.
Leaders of autism groups who face tremendous odds in trying to defeat corrupt politicians have to become creative to achieve their goals. Employing the same strategies that have failed for ten years is simply poor management. When one refuses to even listen to solutions offered by career politicians who are on the same side of the issue, this can only be viewed as atrocious management.
A manager can accept counselling from more experienced managers when they make these errors and the experienced managers are usually happy to give that advice for the benefit of the whole group. While headstrong young managers who fail to accept advice often find themselves unemployed, those who are willing to learn may succeed by learning from their mistakes.
I was taught the same thing that Dan Burton is trying to impress on young autism leaders thirty years ago when I was working on my Master's degree. According to Congressman Burton, that knowledge still holds true. I had also observed the tactics that Rep Burton speaks of work perfectly thirty-five to forty-five years ago with Viet Nam and Civil Rights.
I hope people will say a prayer for Wendy and other young autism leaders, that they will be able to learn from more experienced people who may have real solutions to the problems they face. It's poor practice to educate people in public who seem to have honorable intentions but, for the good of the children, it sometimes becomes essential.
Hail Mary..., I hope you can show me reason to delete all of what I've had to say to you, Wendy. Children must come before pride.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Who Thinks JB Handley and David Kirby are Honest?
Wendy Fournier, Will You Tell the Public About Flu Shots?
Will you help the public learn the truth by asking the people who know the truth to put up lawn signs that say FLU SHOTS CAUSE AUTISM?
If the public knows the truth, they will vote the corrupt politicians out of office who won't listen to us.
Why Won't J B Handley Support This?
J B Handley won't support putting an end to Amanda Baggs lying about autism to the detriment of our children because he is a dishonest son of a bitch who is also lying about autism.
I suppose all of the people who were conned by Handley also agree that it is a good idea to keep quiet while Amanda Baggs runs around to conferences misrepresenting the truth about autism.
When the government buys your kid a talking machine and refuses to help you cure that kid because they listened to Amanda Baggs and Ari Ne'eman, two of J B Hnadley's associates, maybe then all of you sheep who follow this psychological warfare expert will wake up.
Refusing to take a stand against Amanda Baggs abusing your children is tacit support of her treachery and the treachery of the Pharmaceutical Industry who created Neurodiversity.
Why isn't Jenny McCarthy opposing Amanda Baggs?
Amanda Baggs and Ari Ne'eman are a lot more dangerous than Paul Offit because they have taught the general public that autism does not need to be cured.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
J B Handley Agrees with Poisoning Babies into Autism
However, Handley seems to have stopped discussing how dangerous thimerosal is to newborns.
With pregnant women being advised to shoot 75 micrograms of thimerosal (mercury) into themselves this year with the flu shots, this works out to 48 times as much mercury per pound for a one pound fetus as an average eight pound baby used to receive with the HepB shot that produced the largest rise in autism in 1994.
Enquiring minds are wondering how a multi-millionaire with a Stanford education can't figure out this math to see how dangerous these flu shots will be to fetuses. One would think Handley might want to mention this...or perhaps he has to check with Pharma first to see if that's the right thing to say.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Nicole Crosby's Son
your latest thread
From "Jake Crosby"
Date 09/07/09 23:28:57
Take that down, now!!!
I asked Jake, "Why", but he didn't reply. Sounds angry though, doesn't it. I wonder if I should consider it a threat. Too bad Nicole didn't teach her kid any manners. He might have been able to negotiate a solution to his problem.
Nicole once told me that she didn't want anyone to know that Jake was her son. She must be ashamed of having a kid with Asperger's. I'm proud to show pictures of my son, Sam and I would never disown him the way Nicole did. What kind of mother treats her son like that?
That's just the kind of people who write for Age of Autism, I guess.
Age of Autism Helps Paul Offit Poison Babies
While these morons waste their time bashing Offit, young women are getting shot up with mercury every day that poisons their fetuses and scrambles their brains.
If every imbecile who wastes their time with Age of Autism would engage in educating the public instead, they could prevent some babies from being poisoned into autism.
This is the moronic leadership that the autism community has from the likes of assholes like J B Handley and dumb bitches like Kim Stagliano.
Are there any intelligent parents who want to do real autism activism and end this poisoning or will you all keep following psychopaths like Handley?
Monday, September 07, 2009
What's Funny About J B Handley?
Perhaps the people who have been conned don't want to admit it to themselves. One would think however, that the Neurodiverse, who have been bashing the hell out of Handley for years would be happy that someone on Handley's side of the debate exposed his stupidity for what it really is. Yet, the Neuroimbeciles are silent.
I'll take that silence from Handley's alleged opponents as confirmation of what I've thought for quite a while now, that Handley and the Neuronitwits have been on the same side all along...creating this stupid debate to distract people from the work that needed to be done...the work of educating the masses so that we can stop the wortldwide poisoning of babies and old folks (Alzheimer's).
And, to think I might not have figured all of this out if it hadn't been for Nicole Crosby and Kim Stagliano deciding to gloat about conning me into believing the nonsense from the alleged doctor, Andrew Moulden. If it wasn't for the gloating, I might never have connected Moulden's fraud with Age of Autism's fraud.
So, thanks Nicole for that gloating. It was a big help. And Nicole, make sure your boy reads this so he can get things right the next time he writes about the Neuronitwits.
Wendy Fournier, Enemy of Autistic Children, National Autism Association
I posted the link to my post about Handley and Kirby that is below this on Wendy's Facebook site about her plan for 9/9/09, noticed someone from Newport, Rhode Island where Wendy lives had checked out that post on my blog and then I saw that my information on Wendy's site had been deleted.
So, we see that Wendy wants to help Handley and Kirby perpetuate their con job to prevent us from winning the battle against Pharma to end the poisoning of our children and our senior citizens with mercury in the flu shots.
It doesn't look like Wendy took much time to think about what I had to tell her so, if she comes to her senses and lets the truth sink in, I'll allow her to apologize and I'll delete this post. People who have been working hand in hand with excellent psychological warfare agents sometimes need a little time to accept the fact that they've been played for a sucker. I won't hold that against Wendy since I've always thought she was honest.
Wendy is doing a great job with her 9/9/09 assault on our corrupt politicians and I hope everyone joins in that attack.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
The Sting, Starring JB Handley and David Kirby
Handley showed up in 2005 and started Generation Rescue. Before he started that, he had done a TV interview where he said that all autism was caused by mercury and that chelation would cure it in a year or two.
Handley chose to promote Rashid Buttar's advice which included injecting urine into people. This was the first indication that Handley was going to try to make us all look like idiots. He could have used Andy Cutler's protocol like everyone else who was curing their kids but he went and dug up this misfit who was shooting urine into people, bizarre.
How could anyone argue with what Handley was doing though when he was throwing his own money around (supposedly), paying for ads in USA today to promote Generation Rescue. All of the people Handley had swindled to join him were just happy to be helping other parents. How could any of us suspect that he was going to sell us out?
Let's look at what Handley did with his idiotic study in 2006. I have no idea how he collected this data with phone calls but the result was utter bullshit. The results showed that 1 out of 50 boys who had never been vaccinated were autistic. It also showed that boys who were fully vaccinated were autistic at a rate of 1 out of 33, a number far below anything that had been found by anyone else. The really screwball result though, was that boys who were only partially vaccinated were autistic at a rate of 1 out of 14, a number so ridiculous that nobody could take this study seriously.
Now, if you want to look at it, it's still on the GR website but, it's in a pdf and it's posted on there sideways. So, if you want to compare the numbers for yourself, you have to enlarge it 200X and turn your head sideways while scrolling back and forth as you try to remember what you're trying to compare. This is a great way to discourage people from actually bothering to read it so that those who trust JB Handley will just take his word for it that the study shows something useful. It's pure bullshit.
In the meantime, after making us look like fools with this dumb study, JB has been howling about having the government do a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study. All this will accomplish is to waste our time and effort when we could be out doing something useful instead that might force the government to admit the truth. Granted, Stanford ain't much of a school when you compare it to schools around Boston and other east coast cities but it's right at the top of the second tier universities that you find in California. It's hard to believe that anyone who went to Stanford could be this stupid to actually trust the government who had already poisoned his son with mercury when he should have been taught somewhere along the line how great injustices like this could be solved. I'll bet that Handley heard of Martin Luther King at some point in his life. I'll also bet that he heard about Viet Nam. Maybe Stanford even taught him how public opinion resolved these two issues.
Is it possible for anyone as stupid as Handley seems to be to become a multi-millionaire who can throw his money around to seemingly do so much good for kids with autism? Do peole who are this ignorant about how government works have the brains to become that wealthy? One would think that a wealthy guy like this would appreciate that wasting time arguing with the government isn't going to do us any good. Hasn't he learned anything by watching Pharma bribe almost every Congressman to realize that the only way to beat the government is to either bribe them yourself or SWAY PUBLIC OPINION? So, why does he keep encouraging people to waste time playing games with the government instead of breaking their balls? Makes no sense to me.
Handley did sway public opinion when he gave Generation Rescue to Jenny McCarthy. In the eyes of the public, he let an ex playboy bunny take the reins so that the public would perceive her as they perceive all playboy bunnies...a dumb broad with nice tits...someone whose opinion versus a bunch of doctors is instantly disregarded by a vast majority of the public who we need to understand the issue so they will also become enraged at the fact that children are still being poisoned intentionally with mercury in vaccines.
Along with making a dumb broad with nice tits our spokeswoman, Handley helped everyone start speaking against their own best interests by loudly denying the fact that mercury had caused the autism. That's what people were saying to the general public when they jumped on the stupidity bandwagon and began shouting "too many, too soon" without mentioning mercury.
I hope all of the honest parents who were led astray by Handley and David Kirby, whose subterfuge I spelled out in some videos that you can see if you scroll down a little, will let themselves see how these two psychological warfare experts wasted some years of our time and get back on track.
I hope people won't waste any more time by seeking revenge on these bastards and instead, join me in putting up signs in your yards and on your cars warning the public that the flu shots they are trying to shove down our throats will cause autism, Alzheimer's and Gulf War Syndrome. Everyone who knows that mercury caused autism has to help the general public see the truth so more kids won't be poisoned. Let Kirby and Handley waste their time with the government if they want. Stop wasting yours, please.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Friday, September 04, 2009
How come this guy told the truth in 2005 and now tells us it's something besides mercury? Was he perverted or is he now misleading people intentionally? Enquiring minds want to know.
I also wonder what went on with that phone survey that Generation Rescue did in 2006.
That study said that 1 out of 50 boys who were not vaccinated at all were autistic. Yet, the Homefirst practice in Chicago didn't have any autistic kids out of more than 20,000 who had not been vaccinated?
The 2006 GR study showed that boys who were vaccinated had autism at a rate of 1 in 33. Nobody else has suggested any number close to that. These numbers don't make any sense and I have to wonder why this study wasn't thrown in the trash.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
US Rep Dan Burton, How to End Autism and Alzheimer's
Here is the link to the most important video that has ever been made about autism. It tells you exactly how to force politicians to take all of the mercury out of vaccines and end the autism epidemic.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
David Kirby Lures the Sheeple
Is Kirby leading sheeple with his attitude in this video? The attitude of leaders is infectious to the followers.
Is this the attitude that he should be embracing?
Please consider the following and take some time to question Kirby's attitude and how it can affect you.
The Psychological Goal of Fear Mongering.
If it was not the goal it can easily be seen that it has in fact had this
The object of the media campaign is to make the people easily suggestible
through the psychology of "learned helplessness." The mixture of hyped
patriotism, guilt, fear and helplessness makes Americans true sheeple, who can
only trust their new Authoritarian Police State government to shepherd them to
safety past all those scary Muslims and the dangers of Nuclear and Biological
According to psychologist, Martin Seligman, the author of "Learned Optimism"
(the alleged psychological antidote to learned helplessness), human minds can be
trained to passively accept unpleasant situations such as the imposition of a
Police state and the loss of their freedoms and liberties.
"...nullifying the natural reactions, which normally cause attempts to escape or
to control the situation. It is a state of deep depression, brought on by
prolonged immersion in a reality of learned helplessness...A person with learned
helplessness easily gives in her/his goals if s/he fails few times in achieving
them. Such persons show apathy, no motivation, depression and pessimism.
Step by step Americans have stood by helplessly as one freedom and liberty
guaranteed by their constitution and bill of rights has been taken away and each
time they have protested and clamored their outrage they were managed into
submissive acceptance. This despite a never ending series of bold faced lies
that were later exposed as such that were told to them by the usurpers of their
Government as the excuse to get them to accept the legislation for their new
enslavement and aquiescence to participation in Wars of naked aggression.
Even when millions of Americans began calling their Congress to prevent the Bank
Bailout they were given a one week reprieve only to be told that martial law
would be declared if the bill was not passed. Congress rubberstamped it and
Americans were given yet another dose of helplessness.
All the while as their way of life has been systamatically stolen from them they
have been bombarded with nightmares by fear mongering opportunists who scream
with bull horns that things are going to get even worse with their tales of Fema
Camps and coffins which in fact were built as props as part of a very real
contingency plan with the dual purpose of providing a bit of reality to the
brainwashing techniques designed to condition Americans into the mindset of
"Learned Helplessness".
Is it any wonder that at some point the goal of learned helplessness would sink
in and completely dismantle their will to oppose the takeover of their country
by a dictatorship masquerading as a sham democracy?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
How David Kirby Conned Parents of Autistic Children (Part 2)
Understanding the con job.
Here's an example. I left a comment on this video by David Kirby where he discussed the number of Vaccines that Hannah Poling had in one day. I merely pointed out to David that he forgot to mention the fact that those vaccines contained thimerosal. whoever put the video up moderates the comments and mine has not appeared. It's telling that Kirby won't address my concern.
Friday, August 28, 2009
How David Kirby Conned Us All
If you see here how Kirby pulled off this con job, the next step is dealing with the embarassment. It's not easy to admit it when you are taken in by a con artist. You feel really stupid and it's difficult to admit to anyone that you were stupid enough to fall for the lies.
That's the wrong way to look at this though. When you are victimized by a con man and they have your money, they usually disappear and you never see them again. You can file a report with the police but that involves letting the cops know that you were dumb enough to let yourself be victimized. A lot of people will just keep quiet and learn from the experience. Con artists know this and that's how they are able to keep operating without winding up in jail.
In the case of Kirby and his associates, it's not as simple as losing a few dollars to some penny ante thief. What we're dealing with here is either the propaganda arm of Pharma....or...the government. It doesn't matter which one it is and it's not worth wasting any more time trying to find out. The stakes are too high to screw around with revenge.
It's more important to begin taking the necessary action to sway public opinion. After we do that, Kirby can be exposed for the hoax that he perpetrated on us and he won't be able to show his face anywhere. Nobody will ever believe a word he says for the rest of his life.
There are thousands of well meaning parents who have been conned by Kirby. He couldn't do this alone. He had to have help to pull this off so we have to look at who his accomplices might be. There are other people in leadership roles amongst us who helped Kirby lead people down the wrong path.
Knowing the horror that was done to our kids, does anyone doubt that Pharma would have organized skilled leaders to come charging onto the scene riding on white horses to make us believe that they were going to lead us in our quest to gain justice for our kids and stop this horror from happening to more children? Please think about this, and keep in mind that they key year is 2005. Also keep in mind that Pharma has trillions of dollars at stake here and is capable of absolutely anything to protect that money?
A key question to ask here is to find out how Lynn Redwood and the other people mentioned in Evidence of Harm came to be associated with David Kirby. Did they find him? Did he come to them? Did some intermediary arrange that relationship? I knew I was was being conned by David Kirby a long time ago. It's time for every other parent to accept this fact, cut their losses, and move forward. We can win this battle but we can't do it by allowing ourselves to be led by David Kirby. If parents will begin to discuss this fact, the other psychological warfare experts who infiltrated our ranks starting in 2005 will be exposed.